Bug & Exotic Animal Experience at The Walled Garden
- Event date: Feb 18th & 20th
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Are the kids’ bug-ging you for something exciting to do this half term? We’re here to help!
We are excited to confirm that our Bug Experiences are returning bigger and better than ever! As not only will guests be invited into the Bug Shed for a meet and greet with our most curious looking insects, but we’re adding in some of our larger exotic residents for a personal ‘hello!’ as well!
Our Animal Expert Chrissy will give brave explorers an educational and hands on meeting with our group of fabulous mini beasts such as the Ghost Mantis, Katydids, Stick Insects, Cockroaches and more. PLUS, you’ll meet the likes of Mishu and Sisu our Bearded Dragons and The Boss, our Bosc Monitor Lizard! We also have our latest additions, the Curly Haired Tarantula, and tailless whip scorpion – as featured in Harry Potter, and a peek at our new corn snake (who is still settling in and might be up for some handling depending on which side of the bed it wakes up that day!)
Our Bug and Exotic Animal experiences will be taking place this February half term with tickets on sale now!
Space is limited and tickets must be purchased online in advance.
11am and 2pm sessions (Approx 30 – 40 mins)
Tuesday 18th and Thursday 20th February
£8.50 per ticket – click here to book via eventbrite
Important information:
Please be prompt and arrive a few minutes before your session. Session times are set and cannot overrun.
For any questions, please contact events@thewalledgardenmoreton.co.uk
Due to the limited space. Tickets are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled.
We are also running our BUG TRAIL every day from Saturday 8th February. Our signature trails are another brilliant way to get out and about in Dorset with little explorers. MAps just £3 – click here for more information.
Stopping by the café when you visit? We have a wonderful menu serving breakfasts, lunches, sandwiches, snacks, cakes and cream tea.
The Walled Garden has free parking, dogs on leads are welcome.
The formal gardens area are a suggested donation entry of £3 for adults. We thank you for your support of our site, which is part of EMA, a social enterprise college campus for young people with SEND.